Douglas Rutherford is a nationally recognized CPA practicing in the real estate industry. He is the founder of Rutherford, CPA & Associates, and is the President and CEO of Doug developed the Cash Flow Analyzer® software series beginning in 1993 for his clients to assist them in analyzing real estate investments. In 2005, Doug developed and introduced the Tax Lien Certificate Portfolio Tracker™ software.
Today, thousands of real estate investors, brokers, agents, bankers, mortgage lenders, and others in the USA, Canada, Australia, and other foreign countries use his software.
As a CPA, author, businessman, national speaker and investor, Doug Rutherford and his firm has turned Cash Flow Analyzer® series into the leading investment analysis software products on the market today. Doug earned his Masters of Taxation degree from Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. Recent Article: Crunching Numbers Now Will Save You From Being In A Crunch Later |